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         One of my favorite feelings in my work is seeing the “ah ha!” moment on a learner’s face.  It is my greatest reward.  Technology plays an important role in my learners reaching that moment.  Often, language deficits along with intellectual disabilities preclude some learners from traditional classroom learning and instruction.  One way to foster academic achievement for this population is the understanding and use of program learning outcomes when designing lessons, courses and making sound informed decisions on the use of technology in the practice of instruction.  This narrative will examine the eight PLOs addressed in Ashford University’s MATLT program and discuss how they were used in the designs.


PLO 1 Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to learning using technology


            In this design, a “Do” learning activity was developed to teach the principles of Instructional Design using a non-linear Power Point game.  The player explores and learns the principles as he or she navigates throughout the Presentation. 


PLO 2 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in current and emerging instructional technologies


             I created this Prezi to demonstrate how different technologies can be used in one platform; a Prezi.  Prezi is a powerful tool that enabled me to integrate video from You Tube and music from my a recording from my files.  I included a Jing image capture from Google Maps and my own photographs from my files.  I like Prezi as a tool to create media rich content.


PLO 3 Design learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the needs of all learners


             I designed this Prezi presentation as another media rich learning experience.  I incorporated different types of technology in the presentation to demonstrate how the learning preferences VARK (visual, aural, reading and note taking, and kinesthetic) might be addressed by the instructor.  I included in the presentation video for the visual and aural preference, voicethread for aural messages, blogging for the reading note taking preference, and lastly a “Do” type activity for the kinesthetic learning preference.


PLO 4 Apply research to support learning in a technology-enhanced environment


             This demonstration is a “Connect” type activity.  It engages the learner in reflecting on the “Absorb” and “Do” type activities of a mock instructional seminar.  The learners examines the technology and tools available for their classroom and applies the research supported principles to identify appropriate tools, technology and learning programs.


PLO 5 Exemplify ethical practices of technology usage


             Ethical practices are an important aspect of every part of my life.  I created the Power Point to teach the learner the basics of copyright and fair use.   The presentation uses licensed art from Shutterstock for the cover image and the author silhouette.  


PLO 6 Evaluate technology resources to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation and PLO 7 Utilize technologies to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings


             For this program learning outcome, I mapped out a plan to use Micro Soft Excel shared with stakeholders on Google Drive.  The mind map plots the flow of data from the teacher to the different departments or individuals who will assess and report their findings and recommendations to the decision maker. 


PLO 8 Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of learning and leadership


             This simple mind map clearly defines the step in the process of making informed decisions about which technology to choose.  Mind maps generate a visual memory for the learner; an image to conjure up when recalling the steps in a process. 

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